
Showing posts from July, 2023

Weekly Blog 7

7th week of our teaching practice started from 24/7/2033 to 28/7/2023. The regular classes went smoothly 12th of July is celebrated as World Paper Bag day. So the students to had interest in making paper bags will be selected for making paper based carry bags and on 24th July 2023 our school had inaugurated the club grandly. The chief guest of the program was oru Minister G R Anil. In that occasion our Minsiter had gave the students of SSLC who awarded good marks with cash prize and momentum. On 25th of july Kalakaumudi Newspaper organized a program by inaugurating the distribution of newspaper to each class. This program is named as " AKSHARAJALAKAM"

Weekly Blog 6

6 th week of our teaching practice starts from 17/7/2023 to 21/07/2023. We had holiday on 17/ 7. On 18/7 also we had no classes because our chief minister sri Oomman Chandy had died. We got a chance to see him last for ever. From 19/7/23 Physical Education Sir started training to the students on various sports after 3.30 pm. 21st of July is celebratef as Moon Day. The students from UP section got participated in various programs. They also exhibited se charts related to the Moon Day.

Weekly blog 5

Fifth week of our teaching practice starts from 10/7/2023 to 14/07/2023. 11 th of July is celebrated as world population day. We the teacher trainees had the duty to conduct the program. Under our guidance we arranged some programs like speech, skit, mime etc to aware the students about the consequences of population explosion. The school had inaugurated their monthly magazine on 13/7/23 by our beloved HM Shiju tr The others days we took our regular classes and duties.

weekly blog 4

Our fourth week of teaching practice starts from 3/7/2023 to 7/07/2023. Our regular classes went smoothly and we had a special assembly to ensure the discipline of students on 4/5/2023. On 5/7/2023 we had a small celebration on Basheer day. Students drew som portraits of Basheer, his characters and some posters. We displayed each charts on the wall and then had a class wise quiz competition. Winners are awarded with prizes. There was a SPC passing out on 8/7/2023. So on friday the SPC students had intense practice session.