
Showing posts from June, 2023

Weekly blog 3

Our third week of teaching practice starts from 26/06/2023 to 30/06/2023. 26th of June was celebrated as International day against ftug abuse. So the day started with a special assembly in which our beloved HM shiju tr and Bindhu tr talked about thr dangers of using drugs... Then we had a small procession of students holding placards and posters which includes the message of no to drugs. On others two days we had our regular classes. We had holiday on Thursday amd Friday.

Weekly blog 2

Second week of our teaching prcatice starts from 19/06/2023 to 23/06/2023. The classes went on smoothly on the week. On 21/06/2023 there was a special assembly and some programs were arranged as it was the International Yoga Day. Under the guidance of our Physical Education Sir we asked the students to do some yoga asanas. Our juniors also assisted us. On others days our classes ran effectively and I was able to follow my lesson templates.

Teaching practice - phase 2 Weekly blog 1

Our teaching practice of 4th semester started on 12/06/2023. GHS kanyakulangara was assigned for me. I reached school early and met my concerned teacher. I was assigned for the class 8C.The school was located at kanyakulangara of Trivandrum district. It was actually started as a Boys school. From 2023 onwards it is concerted into mixed school and also the  name changed from GBHS kanyakulangara to GHS kanyakulangara. The first day itself started with a special assembly. On 12 th June there was an enrollment examination for SPC  From 13 th june to 16 th june there were no special events took place. The classes went on smoothly and I followed my lesson templates.